Book Preview: Terrorism Is Not Jihad (Introduction) Posted by Admin on Wednesday, August, 02 2017 and
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Terrorism is Not Jihad. The claim of Jihād being an instrument of terrorism and forced conversion to Islām is one of the misconceptions that have been used by non-Muslims for several hundred years to claim that the Prophet of Islam (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) was merely a king fighting for dominion and not a genuine Prophet sent by God, or a king who only established his religion by the sword. This is the same misconception held by extremists whether of the Muslim kind such as al-Qaeda, ISIS and their supporters or of the Islām hating non-Muslim kind such as the ultra-Zionist supremacist extremists, fundamentalist evangelical Christians, Neoconservative propagandists, the political far-right and the new wave of white nationalist movements sweeping across Europe and which have led to acts of terrorism. PDF File.