Ibn Taymiyyah, the Takfiri Kharijites and the Issue of Rebellion
By IslamAgainstExtremism, Editor
All praise is due to Allaah and may the prayers and peace be upon the Messenger. To proceed:
These are some words of Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah that are worthy of being written in gold, as they are far reaching in depth and meaning, explain the great wisdom contained in the Sharee'ah commands that are for the preservation of benefits and repulsion of harms. They expose what is with the contemporary groups of destruction, such as the Leninist takfiris and other than them, who bring about nothing but mischief and corruption in the name of rectification.
The idea of a "revolutionary vanguard" that will topple the rulers and "restore social justice" is pure Leninism and it is an ideology that Sayyid Qutb took from Vladimir Lenin and incorporated into his works. There are numerous authors and commentators that have pointed this out, and prominent Ikhwaani figureheads admit the influence of Leninism upon Sayyid Qutb and his works. As such contemporary takfiri groups whose spring and fountain is Qutb and his works, deserve to be labelled "Leninist Takfiris" or "Leninist Kharijites".
Fraudulently, these takfiri groups and their figureheads attempt to use verdicts of Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah that pertain to an invading enemy (whose Islam was doubtful - i.e. the Mongols) to justify rebellion against Muslim rulers who display tyranny or social injustice, despite the fact that regarding the latter (sinful, tyrannical rulers), there is an abundance of verdicts from Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah prohibiting rebellion. This matter is confounded when the same takfiri groups - realising that the Sunnah prohibits rebellion against the ruler's tyranny and injustice, and that this is a matter of consensus - attempt to use the issue of ruling by other than what Allaah has revealed to elicit takfir of the rulers in order to subsequently justify their Leninist methodology of revolution.
This paper will take up the issue of rebellion against tyranny and social injustice in general, along with a discussion of the (erroneous) rebellions made by some of the early Salaf. Heading titles have been added to the text and are not in the original.